Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 1 (Monday May 17, 2010): Edmonton To Calgary

Broken Parts: 1
Lost Parts: 1
Weather conditions: Rain and hail
The number of things I would rather be doing: 0

Shifting pedal broke on my KLR before leaving Edmonton. We were making adjustments to the chain tension by changing the position of the rear wheel and did not tighten the locking nut on the swing arm enough. Luckily, we were able to loktite the remaining bolt until finding a replacement in Calgary.

We left Edmonton at 10pm (much later than scheduled) because there always seemed to be another problem that had to be resolved. Probably not the best plan to travel at night, however,  it was mutually agreed upon that there would always be another reason to delay another day so we might as well get started. Perhaps it was the euphoria of actually embarking on our adventure, or the freedom of the open road but the smiles on our faces couldn't be wider despite the rain and hail.

An extra day will be spent in Calgary working out bike issues that were discovered on our ride down as well as reducing the weight of my gear.

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