Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 21 (Sunday June 6, 2010): San Diego to San Telmo

We cross the border extremely easily at Tijuana and take toll road '1' along the coast. The riding is easy, and there are plentiful Pemex stations (we were warned that there would not very much fuel) along the way. We get stopped at the first military checkpoint and our bags are searched. The search may have occurred because we pulled off to the parking lot just before the checkpoint since we did not want to travel amongst a military convoy. Extremely friendly soldiers after they did not find any contraband. Jan somehow sees a sign for Cuatro Casas hostel which is 7 miles away from the highway on the Pacific coast. In order to get to the hostel we ride through deep soft sand which is fairly difficult for me loaded down with gear and with street tires. I remember what the red-headed guy outside Golden Gate Cycle in San Francisco told me about sand riding... 'Keep the bike in the high second or low third and ride it like a surfboard.' You were right good sir, you were right! My mountain-biking experience helps me out of a few hairy situations and I manage to make it to the hostel.

Fine, soft, deep sand. I am surprised I made it this far on street tires and loaded down.

The owner dragged the bones one by one from a mile away as the meat rotted off.

We meet another dual sport rider at the hostel and we have a blast riding around on the sand and around town with him. Great guy that I will definitely try to meet up with again for more shenanigans.

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